the ADDA association

The ADDA association

The association for the distribution of "Dialogues with the Angel" (ADDA) wishes to make known the teaching of Her testimony so relevant today for our world in transition. She wishes to offer a source of deepening of this message of Light to all those who wish to radiate it and make it radiate.

Its purpose

The purpose of the ADDA association is in its statutes " to promote the dissemination of the teaching of the Dialogues with the Angel, the content of which is strictly delimited by the following works:

the book " Dialogues with the Angel, a document collected by Gitta MALLASZ, published in French in Paris by Aubier editions (1st edition in 1976; 2nd edition called "integral edition" in 1990),

the four 'explanatory' books [1] written by Gitta Mallasz:

"The Dialogues as I Experienced Them", Gitta MALLASZ, Paris, Aubier, 1984,

"The Dialogues or the child born without parents", Gitta MALLASZ, Paris, Aubier, 1986,

"The Dialogues or the leap into the unknown", Gitta MALLASZ, Paris, Aubier, 1989,

"Small Dialogues of Yesterday and Today", Gitta MALLASZ, Paris, Aubier, 1991.

She will be able to " take all necessary steps to publicise the content of this course in various countries, including Hungary.

[1] Paradoxically Gitta Mallasz had thus named these books which are for her a testimony and not an explanation.

For more information on the association, you can consult the statutes.

Member Testimonials

The ADDA association is open to all people who learn from the lessons of the "Dialogues" and wish to support its dissemination.

Honorary members

The association wishes to honor the people who have particularly contributed to the dissemination of the message of the Dialogues.

Jeanne Gruson

The power of this book sustains me in everything I do. It pushes me, makes me see differently, nourishes me, demands truth from me in small and big things alike, it can cleanse me of a thousand doubts, just as it can challenge me like a hurricane sweeps away old fears and preconceived ideas.

The angel helps to bring about a change of direction, a new way of seeing and living. But he expects a fiery commitment, he calls for a luminous demand while keeping a keen eye on the man in the making. Tenderness is at the heart of his teaching. We are never alone on the road, and to feel this presence through faith brings an immense sweetness to the harshness of our lives. This book opens up a new relationship with the invisible, enabling us to perceive the infinite love within us, in every life, at every moment. Every word in this book is the path to a new birth, giving us the privilege of glimpsing the secret of secrets. 

As a young adult, I would read and wait for an encounter, a place where I could find the intimacy of myself. I had this thirst to set off on the inner adventure of my being through encounters, readings, creations and so on. I needed to see behind the curtain of everyday life. The questions asked by the 4 friends in Dialogues avec l'ange, and the answers given by the angels and gradually by the Choir, struck at the desire that had been burning inside me. I've been reading the Dialogues for 33 years. I've never been disappointed, the source of teaching is 

It makes me see, live, understand and feel my life in a whole new way. 

Patrice Van Eersel

We would also like to pay tribute to those who have worked to transmit the dialogues and who have left us:

Annick De Souzenelle († 2024)

Roger Grozelier († 2023)

Tatiana Plyuch († 2022)

Dominique Raoul-Duval († 2020)

Michel Butaud (†)

Michel Cazenave (†)

Members of the Board of Directors


I was still a child when I felt Gitta's blue eyes light up my soul in our flat in Budapest. But it wasn't until 1965, in Paris, that she offered me the Hungarian manuscript of her founding experience, received in 1943-44. In my little garret, with an unquenchable thirst, I tirelessly repeated aloud the fiery words of the Angels. The angel was calling me in the most intimate way:

"Do you know me" (G1) "What is your greatest desire" (L.21) Or : "There is a wonderful mirror within you... it is HIM that it reflects, but only if there is silence." (17G)

Constant questioning, influx of renewing forces, awakening of dormant potentialities, invitation to dare to take flight towards free and creative individuality... The angel invites our ignored abilities to unfold. It inspires us how to solicit forces from the future to bring forth the New Man."There is no harm, only the task that is not recognised. Not doing it destroys you. It is in this that evil is the cradle of Joy" (29G) But what is my Task?

In front of a fire of my being which burned me, Gitta proposed to me to join its small group of translators of Talking with Angels. For more than ten years, with fervor and rigor, she dissected and weighed each word, to render its meaning in French as faithfully as possible.

possible, and to our great joy a first edition was published in 1976. Since then, many translations and editions have been published, now in 22 languages, which like a trail of fire guides and nourishes seekers of Truth.

To respond to the requests that poured in from all sides in order to dig deeper meaning and embody in our daily life the teaching of the Angels, conferences and courses, meetings and forums followed one another. And it was in 2005, during the Hungarian edition dialogues, on the initiative of close friends of Gitta, Dominique Raoul-Duval, Françoise Maupin, Roger Grozelier and myself, that

the ADDA association was born. "What could be sweeter than to serve Him? (26L)

Blessed are those who œworking in the service of angels!

What a joy it is to see that, in our time of transition, the teachings of the angels are becoming essential nourishment for more and more souls throughout the world! "There will be Deliverance, when the One Light pierces the deepest darkness. We are all working towards this. With joy and gratitude. Gratitude."


Testimony of Josiane Poivre

For more than 10 years, I have participated in the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity within an international organization.

In my search for meaning, I became involved in Kyudo, archery. This practice takes on a whole new dimension in my daily life: "through each shot, try to find the right thing within yourself, try to unite with the absolute".

It was this same thirst that drove me to train in Shiatsu and Reiki: "to enable everyone to find the strength to meet each other, to transform their suffering into flashes of light, their tragedies into possibilities".

I encountered the Dialogues with the Angel in the 90s but it was only 20 years later that I began to grasp its full quintessence.

Since then, I've made it my business to publicise and help spread the Dialogues: "a demanding and dense book, a life teaching, words of fire that urge us to go towards that fine point of ourselves, towards the All Other, into that unspeakable depth of the soul". 

"The second half of the task: Live by HIM" (W.42)

Testimony of Bernard Pélissonnier

With a scientific background, engineer and then director of an establishment serving disabled people, I have always wondered about the link between physics and spirituality and about the meaning of life.

I was touched in the 90s by the message of Dialogues with the Angel which reveals to us the greatness of Man and his task as a bridge – a place of transmutation – between the creative, invisible, spiritual world and the created world. , visible material of our daily life.

"Every moment is sacred (29G)

Before acting, sanctify the moment (21G)

If you transform yourself, matter - too - is obliged to transform itself (29L)

The body is nothing other than love become matter (E88)".

When I welcome these inspiring words, my life finds a great flavor.

Now retired, I am happy – as secretary of ADDA – to be at the service of spreading this very topical message to bring about the New in our world in transition.

Evelyne Fontaine-Vogel - Head of coordination

Marie-Therese Le Martelot

Other board members

I wanted to get involved with ADDA

  • to SERVE the word of the Angel (E18 G : serve! if you serve you are ONE with HIM) and (E2 G: "I also serve said the Angel to Gitta)
  • to TRANSMIT the Angel's teaching (E75 : our teaching reveals a mystery, it is given to you, but pass it on!)
  • for GIVE / ACT: (E87 : Fear only the top! ask only the top! but, downwards, ACT, GIVE!

Take action and your faith will move mountains.)

Testimony of Franoise Maupin

As a former journalist, I met Gitta and the Dialogues in 1967, and the Dialogues have been with me all my life.

I helped write "Dialogues tels que je les vécus" and translated "Le dernier convoi" by Eva Danos, a moving account of the death of Hanna and Lili (Albin Michel).

I was secretary of ADDA and wrote many texts about the "Dialogues..." for Wikipedia, the " ad-dialogueange.org "and www.dialogue-ange.fr.

Extracts from Favourite dialogues:

"Evil is good in transformation",

"The smile is the prayer of every little cell",

"Joy is the air of the new world", and many others...

Jean-Marc Le Cacheur

Our actions

Organize meetings, seminars, workshops, conferences, internships and create tools to make this spiritual teaching known and deepened, and to help participants live it on a daily basis.

Since 2005, Workshops-Meetings shared reading led by Marguerite Kardos around the Talking with Angels are held every two months, in the evening, at the Forum 104, rue de Vaugirard in Paris.

Since 2020, shared readings have also been animated every two months by Marguerite Kardos via videoconferencing, enabling us to reach a larger number of people in the four corners of France and the world,

the "Verbatim is a short excerpt from Talking with Angels emailed daily to those who request it.

In line with the Verbatim sent daily, informal regional discussion groups around the Talking with Angels are formed. They create their own operating rules, with time for reading, discussion and meditation. They take place in a spirit of meditation and are as non-directive as possible. But they must scrupulously respect Gitta Mallasz's "Testament" as it appears at the end of her latest book the book "Petits dialogues d'hier et d'aujourd'hui" (English version not available),.

In 2024 Readers from all over the world (France, Hungary, Canada, Switzerland, Belgium...) will be able to read this book, Spain, the United States, Brazil and Lebanon) took turns over a weekend to read this topical teaching, mainly in French but also in their own languages. The reading was broadcast live on Youtube. It is still available as a replay (see menu for more information/multilingual reading).

the ADDA website :

  • informs about workshops, courses, conferences, upcoming events,
  • offers access to historical documents, testimonials, articles, videos,
  • provides a "Dialogues - extracts classified by theme" tool [1] to help readers get to grips with all the facets of this teaching of Light.
  • allows you to subscribe to Verbatim and support ADDA's actions
  • updates opportunities for networking with informal regional groups

[1] courtesy of Éditions Flammarion.

To provide moral, material and financial support for the translation and promotion of Dialogues with the Angel and Gitta Mallasz's four books in languages other than those already published.

Launch of a Hebrew translation


Payment to Chao Li for translating the Dialogues into Chinese

5.45 inches

Preparations for a translation of Dialogues with the Angel into Arabic


The publication with the support of ADDA of the Hungarian translation of Dialogues as I experienced them.


The contribution to the publishing costs of message of light in the "Bibliothèque de l'âme" collection, a translation by Bang Hai Ja and Alexandre Guillemoz of Talking with Angels into Korean. This is the 21st language into which the book has been translated since it was first published in 1976.


La Publication de Morgen translated into Korean by Bang Hai Ja and Alexandre Guillemoz


Support for the promotion of translations of Talking with Angels in Russian and Ukrainian by Tatiana and Leonid Pliouchtch.


Marguerite Kardos – with the support of ADDA – publishes Az Angyal Valaszol a complete Hungarian edition of Talking with Angels, consistent with the 1990 French edition that Gitta Mallasz had herself supervised.

Support the dissemination of Talking with Angels and the advent of the New

By embodying this invigorating message

By joining the association

By supporting our actions financially

Contact us

For questions or information needs, please contact the ADDA office:

You can use this contact information to:

  • Learn the dates of the next workshops, conferences or other events.
  • Reach a member of the staff or leave a voice message.