“Living with the Angel” – Interview of Marguerite Kardos by Anne Ghesquière


"Vivre avec l'Ange" « Il est mon pareil intemporel  ...moi, je suis son pareil limité" Interview de Marguerite Kardos par Anne Ghesquière - Métamorphose, le podcast qui éveille les consciences […]

"Living with the Angel

"He is my timeless counterpart...
I am his limited equal".

Interview with Marguerite Kardos by Anne Ghesquière

- Métamorphose, the podcast that raises awareness -

Podcast of 6 July 2020

In the Métamorphose podcast, Anne Ghesquière welcomes Marguerite Kardos, a linguist-orientalist of Hungarian origin, a specialist in the Near East, Sumer and sacred medicines, and an expert in traditional Chinese energetics. Marguerite Kardos took part in the distribution of the famous 'Dialogues with the Angel', a transcription of a spiritual experience lived during the Second World War by four Hungarian friends. We're going to talk about the role of the Angel in our lives and how it vitalizes us and inspires us with pure Love - Episode #116

Listen to the Podcast: