adhérer à l'association pour la diffusion des

dialogues with the angel

Adhérer à l'association ADDA


You want to join the ADDA association to support the dissemination of the Dialogues with the Angel and we are delighted.

Since our 2021 General Assembly, we want to open the ADDA association more widely to new members who learn from the lessons of the "Dialogues" and wish to support its dissemination.

With two suggestions:

  • become “Associate Member” de l'association pour soutenir son action, avec le versement d’une cotisation annuelle de 20€.
  • become " Active member " , for the adherent members who wish to become more actively involved in the life and operation of the association, by agreeing to pool their skills, knowledge or activities in the service of the dissemination of the Dialogues. 

Seuls les "membres actifs" participent aux Assemblées Générales.

While rejoicing to be more and more numerous to welcome the seed of the New...

Thanking you for your support and warmest regards.


How to become a member of ADDA?

Several means are available to you if you wish to join the ADDA association:

On line

either by registering, preferably, via the HelloAsso website, with payment by credit card:

By mail

either by sending the membership form below with a check to the treasurer:

If you wish to become an active member, a member of the office will contact you to discern with you the contribution you wish to make and which could in particular be: reception or organization of events, communication, local animation of a shared reading group, administrative or IT support , become a member of the Board of Directors, etc.