support the dissemination of
Talking with Angels
By embodying this invigorating message ...
... by sharing and bearing witness
I am announcing that there will be Deliverance,
when the ONE LIGHT has pierced the deepest darkness.
We are all working on it. With joy and gratitude.
Gratitude !
From dreamers, you will become awakeners.
You have to get to that point that whoever looks at you wakes up.
(Interview 14 with Gitta)
The Angel invites us to let ourselves be transformed, to burn, to let the seed of the New germinate within us… and to shine.
If you transform yourself, matter is forced to transform.
By joining the association...
By financially supporting our actions...
The association for the distribution of "Dialogues with the Angel" (ADDA) work on a daily basis to make known the teaching of Her testimony to a wider audience.
By supporting the ADDA association, you are helping to make this message of Light available to all those who wish to nourish themselves with it and let it shine forth.
Why support the ADDA association and its projects?
Make a donation to the ADDA association
Your support is invaluable in spreading the essential message of Talking with Angels, at the heart of our time of transition to the New World!
How to make a donation ?
Several means are available to you if you wish to make a donation to the ADDA association:
By transfer
You can also make a one-off or recurring donation directly by bank transfer: (indicate DONATION - Your NAME)
ADDA (Credit Mutuel)
IBAN: FR76 1027 8062 2300 0206 4624 179
By cheque
You can also send us a check payable to:
and send it to the association's treasurer at the following address
at Bernard Pélissonnier
45 rue Mazière
Contact us
For questions or information needs, please contact the ADDA office:
You can use this contact information to: