"What is your most ardent desire? - Interview with Marguerite Kardos by ZETEO


"Quel est ton désir le plus ardent ?" Il y a un miroir merveilleux en toi, il révèle tout - il repose en toi et c'est LUI qu'il reflète. Mais […]

"Quel est ton désir le plus ardent ?"

There's a wonderful mirror inside you,
il révèle tout - il repose en toi
et c'est LUI qu'il reflète.
Mais seulement s'il y a silence

Interview with Marguerite Kardos by ZETEO

- ZETEO, Le podcast pour rentrer en coeur à coeur avec le Christ -

July 2024 podcast

Dialogues with the Angel is a collection of eighty-eight conversations between four young people and the person they called their inner master, or angel. Initially held weekly, they took place between 1943 and 1944 in Hungary, at the height of the Second World War.
Since then, the Dialogues with Angels have taken on considerable importance. They nourish the spirituality of many people in all countries who are on a quest. This includes a great many Christians, particularly Orthodox Christians, who see a profound complementarity between the angel's messages and tradition. For more and more Catholics and Protestants too, the Dialogues have become a must-read.
Today, at a time when ecclesial structures in crisis are finding it increasingly difficult to bring the message of the Gospel to the world, we can believe that the divine sometimes manifests itself to mankind through other channels, such as the testimonies of those who have had a near-death experience. Or the messages that come from Dialogues with Angels.
Marguerite Kardos, originally a top-level linguist, specialised in Sumerian civilisation. Long before our era, this civilisation had developed a high level of medicine and spirituality, both of which were closely linked. Thanks to life circumstances, and the discovery of Dialogues with the Angel, she became a naturopathic therapist.
With radiant wisdom and peace, she bears witness here for a second time for Zeteo, following her first appearance in June 2021. A new testimony that highlights, with immense force, the profound unity of our relationship with the divine, and the profound unity of physical life and spiritual life.
With her, let's learn to look for that which is burning, that fire that guides us, let's discover the wonderful mirror within us, the one that reveals everything, the one that rests within us and puts us in relationship with Christ: "It is HIM that is reflected, but only if there is silence".