Morgen-Aube published in Korean


After its publication in a Franco-German edition, Morgen is now on sale in Korean bookshops, in a Korean translation by artist Bang Hai Ja and her husband Alexandre Guillemoz. (In Hungarian at the end of the article / Magyarul a cikk végén)

Morgen-Aube a été publié en Corée en octobre 2013 sous le titre Saebyeok
Morgen Dawn was released in Korea in October 2013 under the title Saebyeok / HAS Morgen Dawn 2013. októberében megjelent Koreában Saebyeok cimmel.

(In Hungarian at the end of the article / Magyarul a cikk végén)

After its publication in a Franco-German edition, Morgan is now on sale in Korean bookstores, in a Korean translation of the artist Bang Hai Ja and her husband Alexandre Guillemoz. The 56-page book is illustrated with around twenty reproductions of his works, magnificent meditations on light.

This small volume brings together the angel morgen messages transmitted by Hanna Dallos in German from December 1943 to February 1944 and transcribed by Gitta Mallasz. If they are included in the German and Hungarian editions of Talking with Angels, they do not appear in the French edition because they are a little apart from the other messages. They were speaking, in German, to a childhood friend of Gitta, a pro-Nazi Hungarian engaged in the Waffen-SS. On the other hand, Gitta was not satisfied with the attempts at translation into French that she had undertaken, agreeing with the poet Pierre Emmanuel who had been struck by "their mysterious clarity, untranslatable because of the extraordinary conciseness of their language ".

Helena Hinshaw-Fischli, editor, translator and close friend of Gitta Mallasz nevertheless tackled, with Eric Lombard, the translation of these very special texts, striving to preserve the rhythm and the conciseness of the German, while remaining faithful to the meaning of the words. This work has been the subject of a tribute edition, Morgen Dawn, on the occasion of the ceremony of Yad Vashem, May 13, 2012 during which Gitta was recognized as "Righteous Among the Nations". It was this book that convinced Bang Hai Ja to embark on a Korean translation of Morgan. For many years, she and her husband have worked at that of Talking with Angels. Arduous task. Both are indeed aware that the text must flow into the Korean thought of the 21st century to be accepted by the readers of this country. In this direction, Morgan appeared to them, because of its poetic impulse, as an excellent introduction to the publication of Talking with Angels. Hence the reason for this edition.

Francoise Maupin

Francia-német nyelvű kiadása után a Morgen már a koreai könyvesboltokban is kapható koreai nyelven, Bang Hai Ja festőművész és férje, Alexandre Guillemoz fordításában. Az 56 oldalas könyvet Bang Hai Ja mintegy húsz reprodukciója illusztrálja, amelyek csodálatos meditációk a fényről.

A kis kötet a Morgen nevű angyal üzeneteit tartalmazza, amelyeket Dallos Hanna kapott és közvetített németül 1944. december és február között, és amelyeket Mallász Gitta jegyzett le. Ezek az üzenetek megtatlálhatók „Az angyal válaszol” könyv német és magyar nyelvű kiadásaiban, de nem szerepelnek a francia nyelvű kiadásban, mert kicsit különböznek a többi üzenettől. Németül szólnak Gitta gyerekkori magyar barátjához, aki elkötelezett nácibarát volt a Waffen alakulatban. Másrészt Gitta nem volt megelégedve a saját francia fordításával, igazat adva Pierre Emmanuel költőnek, akit megragadott a Morgen „titokzatos egyszerűsége, amelyet tömörsége miatt lefordíthatatlannak” tartott.