Michel Cazenave and Gitta Mallasz, a key meeting


Nous sommes bouleversés d’apprendre la naissance au Ciel de Michel Cazenave. C’est avec une profonde gratitude et tendresse que nous le remercions pour son œuvre toute entière tournée vers la […]

We are overwhelmed to learn of the birth in Heaven of Michel Cazenave.

It is with deep gratitude and tenderness that we thank him for his entire work focused on spirituality, and for his fervor towards the Talking with Angels.

Gitta Mallasz et Michel Cazenave en 1992

Michel Cazenave, ferryman of deep realities

Former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, brilliant philosopher, psychoanalyst (of Jungian obedience: a heresy in France), poet, writer keen on mathematics and quantum physics, and above all mystic, Michel Cazenave was a great producer of radio programs and television: first at France-Culture, where after a political career with the left-wing Gaullists, he joined in 1977 as adviser to the director with Yves Jaigu. In particular, he will create The Living and the Gods (1997-2009). On television too, especially on France 3, where he will participate extensively in the series oceanic (1987-1992). Thus for more than thirty years and for several generations, in addition to all his activities, Michel Cazenave will be the reference in terms of programs devoted to spirituality.

He never doubted the authenticity of the Talking with Angels and as soon as he met her, he was conquered by the joy of living and the intellectual vivacity of Gitta Mallasz, the "scribe" of this formidable spiritual adventure. Thanks to him and Yves Jaigu, she was often invited to the airwaves, especially in Agora, a program hosted by Olivier Germain-Thomas.

… who invited the Angels to the Colloquium in Cordoba

Proceedings of the Cordoba colloquium (1979)

In 1979, Michel Cazenave organized a symposium in Cordoba entitled Science and Consciousness, the two readings of the universeThe aim of the conference was "to explore the ways in which man might one day be able to reconcile himself with himself and bring together in one great sheaf the power of his reason and the depth of his soul". Guests included leading figures from the worlds of science, philosophy and religion... and Gitta. It was a bold gesture that was ridiculed by the small world of the Parisian intelligentsia. He was struck by her ease and intelligence: "in the conversations we had in the evenings, her capacity for intuition and deep understanding of what had been said often overwhelmed me", he would later say. And in his opinion, without Gitta and her experience, this dialogue between modern science and spirituality would not have taken place as it does today.

It is Michel Cazenave who will sign the last testimony of Gitta, a few months before his death, in 1992, with The Scribe of Angels, a magnificent documentary filmed in the vineyards of Côte-Rôtie, in the Rhône valley where she was then living.

A faithful travel companion for Adda

In 2005, Michel Cazenave also took part in the launch of the 2nd edition of Talking with Angels in Hungarian in Budapest in 2005 at the Institut Français and on Radio, with Juliette Binoche, Dominique Raoul-Duval, editor of the Her testimony, Patrice Van Eersel, author of The White Source and Robert Hinshaw, editor of Her testimony internationally. He delivered a lecture entitled Bridge between Science and Religion in the light of 'Dialogues with the Angel'.

For me, Michel will also remain an unequaled traveling companion: for decades we have hosted congresses and symposiums together, within the framework of the Transdisciplinary Institute for Research on Being and Consciousness (ITREC) in Paris, chaired by Agnès Favard, and in that of TETRA in Brussels, as well as at Terre du Ciel in Aix-les-Bains. He always pushed me to bear witness to the urgent topicality of Talking with Angels in our time of transition. Thanks to him, I also took part in several France-Culture broadcasts on Talking with Angels.

Since its creation, he has been a member of the board of directors of the association for the dissemination of Dialogues with the Angel (ADDA), which he has always faithfully supported.
May his Angel guide Michael on his journey from sphere to sphere to the Light of Light! May the Queen of Heaven, whom he has so venerated, welcome him into her arms! May he be blessed!
And may he and the Angels continue to watch over "the Co-Birth which, in truth, is Love"!

Marguerite Kardos