your testimonials

Talking with Angels

Your testimonials

On the subject of the Angel, Gitta writes: "The angel is my life-giving half and I am his life-giving half. He is my prefiguration in the invisible and I am his figuration in the visible. He is my timeless counterpart and I am his time-bound counterpart. He is my intuitive complement in spirit and I am his executive complement in matter. He is my body of Light, and I am his body of matter. 

In other words, we are ONE...".

At a time when humanity is being called upon, through these trials, to grow, to move forward so that we can regain our dignity, at a time when every true act is built on love, faith, beauty, joy and hope, the angel is asking us to act, because he cannot do it alone:

"For our path has become one. Either we perish with you, or we purify ourselves with you." E.42

This space is open, offered and dedicated to each and every one of you, so that you can share what speaks to you in this teaching, what questions you, upsets you or transforms you. What did you hear beyond the words? What connections do you see in your own experience, in your everyday life? How can you hear the angel in your heart? How is he present in your life? How does he inspire you to achieve your own inner fulfilment, to calm your mind and make room for what's essential? These are just some of the questions about our world today to which Dialogues with the Angel can provide the most appropriate answers. 

The new man is undoubtedly the one who shines!

Radiate, share, testify...

Submit your testimonial

Your testimonials

Thierry - Île de France

After almost a year of intense professional reconversion, aimed at a more meaningful commitment, I started reading "Dialogues with the Angel", a book that had been sitting in a chest of drawers for a long time. Now I hear its call and feel that this is the right moment to start reading it.

Reading "Dialogues avec l'ange" was a revelation. The Word that emanated from it struck me and resonated strongly with me in this moment of spiritual retreat that I'm giving myself in order to reconnect and recharge my batteries with the energy of Prayer.

These dialogues, the power of their Teaching, the force of their words, the way they penetrate me deeply, are clearly Divine for me.

I feel ready, or perhaps I should say... ready, to lay down my armour and accept to bow fully, totally, before the divine Force of the Universe, of the Almighty, of the One greater than myself, and to joyfully take on my condition as a servant, no longer distrustful as a result of the bruises caused by this hostile world and the misuse of the Word, soiled by human wanderings.

Thanks to this reading, I feel the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit burning within me, and the harmony I have finally found between Science and Faith.

(October 2024)


When I discovered 'Dialogues avec l'ange', my emotions were so intense that I would pick up a passage at random, read 2 or 3 pages and then have to put the book down again, my heart burning. It took me 3 months to be able to really read. I wasn't even trying to understand (intellectually). 40 years have gone by and the dialogues have never really left me. A few months ago, events in my life prompted me to start reading in greater depth. And that's when I set off on a trail suggested by the angels that leads to the summit:

"This new reading opens my eyes to the New World, its construction is a challenge that fills me with joy and surpasses everything I had already glimpsed... I work on the tracks, I play, I progress, never alone...

(May 2024)

Franck - Alsace

It doesn't matter to me whether Dialogues avec l'ange is the transcription of a dream as winged as it is poetic, or the transcription of an authentic spiritual experience: like salt, whose fire burns our tongue at first taste but then makes us thirsty and sets us in motion, demanding water, reading Dialogues avec l'ange always stings us with a true word that brings us face to face with ourselves, opens up deep aspirations and offers confounding inspirations, because

“There is a marvelous mirror within you, it reveals everything – it rests within you.

And it reflects HIM. But only if there is silence.

A small mosquito lands on it and blurs the mirror" (Dialogue avec l'ange, p98).

Dialogues with the angel therefore has nothing to do with an invisible friend to whom I would talk in secret so that he could solve my little daily miseries! But when I ask myself and question myself between the hubbub and the crushing of my personal and professional lives, it is a true word that teaches me to discern what in me judges the other from what is perched on my shoulders. of giants, so that I act with my neighbor rather than cry for him; because we can all be "JESUS."

You are in His place. You act, live and become” (E40-242).

(July 2022)

Florence - Occitania

The Dialogues with the Angel are creative revelations! I'm always challenged by these talks. Sometimes they comfort me and fill me with wonder, sometimes they shake me up or confuse me. This movement, with its reversals and new questions, is an invitation to Vigilance and Rejoicing in our lives.

The Dialogues with the Angel kindle a New Fire within us!

"Burn! Live! Fill yourself with Light! Rise up! Awaken!

Your Light is needed. Your being is burning.

The end is near: The Seven draws near.

May there be no despair in you! Let there be no more error in you!

Be perfect as the Creator Consciousness has designed you to be perfect." E88

(March 2022)

Lise-Anne - Quebec

Some 30 years ago, I was first drawn to Dialogues with the angel which sat silently on the bedside table of a friend who was showing me round her new flat, and who was generous enough to lend it to me. I read barely 3 pages and closed it, telling myself that it wasn't for me. The Angel is so patient and tenderly attentive. He was waiting for me... Then a succession of coincidences, which could only have been orchestrated by heaven, happened to me concerning this book, a treasure trove of true teachings. When I opened it and opened myself to it, I received the word of my celestial double who enlightens, questions, answers, helps... my humanity, day by day.  

Gratitude also to Marguerite and the wonderful team who offer us the video-meetings, a precious gift to be tangibly together, heart to heart, across the oceans.

(February 2022)

Ariane – Lebanon

"From the bottom of my heart, I let go, and I say to myself: "Thy will be done" E4.G. For me, this sentence sums up "Dialogues with the Angel". Indeed, to be able to let go deeply, is first of all to have an inalienable faith in HIM, and then to become aware that HIS will be done for the good of all".

(January 2022)

Marjolaine - Brittany

I don't feel alone on my life's journey. And that is a strength. I know I'm accompanied by the Angel. In dialogue, the Angel often says "ask". My request to him creates the link and we then become co-creators in the accomplishment of our task. The difficulty of the task is then transformed into strength and requires perseverance, trust and gratitude.

YOU'RE NO LONGER ALONE!                                                                                                                        

I AM ALWAYS PRESENT ON THE WAY                                                                         

ME TOO I GOT A PATH                                                                                                                    


(February 2022)

Dorothéa - Switzerland

"Man's task is to open a breach in the sphere in which he lives.

The beam penetrates by itself. (28G p.166)

It's first and foremost within myself that I'm trying to open up this breach, in my work, in my movements.

I was put in contact with the Dialogues through the seminars and testimonies of Marguerite Kardos, a very close friend of Gitta Mallasz.

It is fortunate that these Dialogues have been translated into so many languages, offering people all over the world a support in their lives and a search for the ray that carries us all.

(February 2022)

Josette – Lebanon

"I first read the DAA more than 20 years ago, and I've been coming back to it ever since to find a source of inspiration or an answer to an existential question. Today, with all the hindsight and inner work that this book invites us to do, I've come to understand that we are, each and every one of us, children of light. We are vibration. That we have no reason to be afraid, and that we are called to constantly vibrate with the highest vibration, the vibration of love. And it's by sending out this vibration/love/light to the inhabitants of the Earth that we'll be participating in the emergence of the new man: loving, compassionate, generous, confident, luminous, no longer afraid, because he's aware of who he is".

(January 2022)

Claude - Switzerland

“Dialogues with the Angel” is the teaching which, like a diamond of radiant light, enlightens me and guides me in depth, inside and outside, on another level of myself. Total is my gratitude for this life path companion

(February 2022)

Annick - Île de France

It was 8 February 1991, I was in Lyon for work, and as I was walking back to the hotel, I saw a small poster saying "Conference with Gitta Mallasz on Dialogues with the Angel". I was due to return to Paris that evening, but an irresistible force inside me told me that I couldn't miss this appointment. So I arranged to stay in Lyon and listen to Gitta Mallasz. It was a real revelation! This seemingly elderly woman was a dynamo, and as the conference progressed, a whole new breath of fresh air was breathed into me...... I was under Gitta's spell .... I bought the book at the end of the conference!

On the train, I started reading, but I couldn't understand a thing! An irresistible force pushed me to continue, but I still didn't understand a thing! So on 30 March 1991, I wrote to Gitta and on 8 April 1991 I received a reply. From that day on, the Dialogues never left my life. At first, when I had an important question, I opened the book at random and the dialogues always gave me a pertinent answer.

Little by little, I'm discovering treasures that are helping me to become whole. It's superb, wonderful and above all joyful work! 


This breath, IMPLANTED in me by Gitta's fire through the voice of the Angel 32 years ago, still lives in my body, enlivened by a reading...

regular dialogues. 

E4G : "Will I become this "New Man" if I manage to get rid of the superfluous? ....." what should I do ?

- BURN!  

(February 2022)

Anne - Midi Pyrénées

I'm very grateful to Marguerite for her Rencontres autour des Dialogues. Listening and sharing, reflection and inspiration are the embers of the fire that drives us.

(February 2022)

Marie Claude - Burgundy

This incandescent poetry resulting from a breach towards the Eternal urges me to Burn, to Give, to Co-born the so precise invitation of Deliverance and Divine circulation addressed at each moment to the human creature on this Earth.

(February 2022)

Catherine - Rhône-Alpes

"The dialogues with the Angel are for me the Way of the Living. They touch me at the deepest level in their Truth, they knead me, transform me and open me ever more to HIM. They are food for every moment.

(February 2022)

Lucile - Quebec

It was my friend in Montreal who introduced me to the wonderful Dialogues avec l'ange. Later, the confinement gave us Zoom meetings with Marguerite Kardos. It was a joy to understand the hard-to-decipher explanations in the book. The theme of the month is often full of new discoveries and gives me great joy.

Gratitude for all that you offer us and a thousand thanks from Quebec! 

(February 2022)

Ronald - Lebanon

"The teaching of Dialogues with the Angel is a spiritual, fraternal and family break that replenishes my batteries. I come away lighter, with deep joy and always with a smile on my face".

(February 2022)

Louise - Quebec

Dialogues avec l'Ange, her readings hosted by Marguerite Kardos, give us access to the radiant immensity within us.

(February 2022)

Bernard - Île de France

A vibrant call to connect with our part of the Light in our daily lives:

"Every moment is sacred, so you live in eternity and in life ... because eternal life unites the two" E 28G

"At the death of each moment, you can enter eternity, the world of creation.

and from there you yourself can launch the moment". E28G

"Between end and beginning - where everything is conceived - there, direct your attention!" E28G

"Before you act, sanctify the moment!" E21G

What responsibility for mankind, what participation in creation is entrusted to us through the quality of intention that drives our actions!

(February 2022)

Yvette - Jura

"Some literary critics, to mark their enthusiasm at the reading of this or that book, say: "a book you can't put down". With Dialogues avec l'Ange, it's just the opposite: it's the book that won't let you go, and it's a book that will keep you reading day after day, either through regular reading or through selected reading. Everything is on offer. His teaching is constant. You think you've read the whole thing,

while we are constantly discovering "new" passages, presented to more attentive reading or more demanding personal relevance...

So these days: But let your heart know no fear, for it is the home of the Whisperer. E12L-p.67

(February 2022)

Philippe - Rhône-Alpes

Margit shared with us the shortest prayer, taught by Mgr Jean: "TOI, TOI, TOI...".

In a nutshell, Dialogues avec l'Ange is: "FIRE, FIRE, FIRE, more FIRE...".

This is the heart of my path of experience Towards HIM/HER.

Infinite praise to Ö, by Him!

(February 2022) (Ö: name of God in Hungarian, both masculine and feminine HIM/SHE - He: Jesus)