The Dialogues with the Angel in the Ideal Library of the World of Religions


Le Monde des religions vient de sélectionner les Dialogues avec l'ange pour sa rubrique "Ma  bibliothèque idéale". Dans une longue interview, Marguerite Kardos raconte les circonstances singulières dans lesquelles Gitta Mallasz, qu'elle […]

5143_couv-mdr-75The world of religions just selected the Dialogues with the angel for its "My ideal library" section. In a long interviewMarguerite Kardos recounts the unusual circumstances in which Gitta Mallasz, whom she had known in Budapest, introduced her to this text in Paris in 1965, long before it was published. She goes on to speak passionately about how dazzling it was for her and attempts to summarise the content of the teachings received by Gitta and her friends in Budapest in 1943-44.

"This teaching is relevant in our time of transition, and decisive for the future of humanity and the planet. It is not a philosophy or a religion, but a lesson for individuals and for practice. It is a message of hope and faith, of joy and renewal. Man is not condemned to be a predator and consumer. They can become co-creators of their own destiny and of the world around them. new who cries out to us to be born. »