Angelic Spiritual Exercises


A deux reprises, dans les Dialogues avec l'ange, Gitta, Lili et Joseph se voient proposer des "devoirs à la maison", à rendre la semaine suivante. Comme à l'école ! Le […]

Twice, in the Dialogues with the angelGitta, Lili and Joseph are given 'homework' to complete the following week. Just like at school!

Colibri_small The first, given to Gitta during Interview 28 on New Year's Eve 1943, was to find out what the seven joys were, as the angel had just mentioned. A week later, Gitta handed in her answers, but the Master was demanding! "What you've done isn't good enough. You thought the task was easy", he told her, graphically indicating what he expected: not sweet grapes, but aged wine, the kind that makes you drunk!

The second, about the New World, is explained by Hanna at the end of interview 35. Gitta refers to it as an end-of-year exam, and like all the pupils in the world, she waits until the last day to answer the question... and is not proud of the result. Lili, for her part, was unable to do the exercise, preoccupied as she was by her own pupils, distressed by the events. Joseph was the only good student, bravely taking on the exercise and understanding that, as at university, it wasn't a question of regurgitating what he knew, but of taking a real "leap into the unknown".

The Seven Joys

Pay attention! There are seven joys.
Find out what they are!
Your task is not an easy one.
Each will be the dominant Spirit of a particular day of the week.
Respond next week!

The New World

L. How can we strengthen the unity between us?
four ?
“By doing your job.
Our task is the New World.
What would you do in the New World
for the New World?
Know what you are meant for.
Then you will know what you are meant for.
It's the only way;
everything else is just a palliative for the pain,
whose name is "too much" or "not enough".

After the interview, Hanna told us that our Masters had
ask to respond in writing, for the next time, to
the question: "What would you do in the New World to
the New World? »

P-S: I've been told about another exercise that Lili was asked to do in interview 6: "Try to specify for the next time what you feel is the most important part of your work". The following week, Lili warned me that she hadn't been able to finish her assignment completely. You have to read her inner teacher's response, which is a kindly stern one...