Nadia Schild's big heart has stopped beating


Nadia Schild-Chipilof est décédée le 6 mars 2012 en Bretagne où elle résidait depuis quelques années, de retour d'Inde où elle vivait avec sa fille. Nadia entretenait avec Gitta Mallasz […]

Nadia Schild-Chipilof died on 6 March 2012 in Brittany, where she had been living for several years, on her return from India, where she had been living with her daughter.
Nadia maintained a very warm friendship with Gitta Mallasz and on two occasions her help was crucial:
- It was she who, with her hair in curlers, went to see her ministerial boyfriend so that Gitta could, at the last minute, get the paper that would allow her to marry Laci Walder, take French nationality and therefore stay in France without her family being worried.
- She was also responsible for the manuscript of the Dialogues with the angel to Claude Mettra, producer of The Living and the Gods at France Culture. The programme he made interviewing Gitta was the starting point for the Dialogues adventure.

Gitta_Mallasz_a_Nadia_SchildGitta described her as "a big, dynamic heart, as efficient as a bulldozer".
She was 95 years old, she died slowly, very surrounded by her daughter Louba.

Francoise Maupin