Gitta Mallasz: We are warriors responsible for another battlefield, invisible


Dans son tout dernier livre, Petits Dialogues d'hier et d'aujourd'hui (Aubier), écrit au moment de la première Guerre du Golfe (1990-1991), Gitta Mallasz consacre un chapitre à la guerre, toujours […]

Dîtes moi, Gitta Mallasz...

In his latest book, Small Dialogues of yesterday and today (Aubier), written at the time of the first Gulf War (1990-1991), Gitta Mallasz devotes a chapter to the war, which is still cruelly topical 25 years on.

I am writing these lines at the time of the Gulf War, but they apply to all wars, and I have seen a few in my lifetime...

Photo : Philippe Guy
Photo : Philip Guy

Readers, sick with helplessness, ask me what they can do. So I tell anyone who will listen this Chinese tale:
A peasant ploughs his land. A scholar asks him:
"What would you do if the world ended tomorrow?
And the peasant: “I will continue to plow my land. »

A depressed neighbor tells me:
"Today, depression is almost universal. And you, the four friends, in Budapest, during the Second World War, you who were surrounded by so much horror, were you depressed?"

Well, only once, when we learned of the death of several million Jews in the gas chambers... but immediately, by calling on the Angel, we regained confidence in Life, in the new Life.
At times we were almost destroyed by grief, but we never lost our confidence. This is how Dialogues with the angel. And that's when I learned something important:

War is not decided on the battlefield, in the desert where the inevitable consequences of another battlefield, invisible to the human eye, unfold. And that's the one that matters:

There, each of my confident smiles undermines the projects of murderous hatred.
There, each of my constructive thoughts diminishes the destructive forces.
There, each of my pleas for peace dims the fires of war.
Here, on the other hand, every negative emotion opens the door wide to the invader

We who live today are not witnessing this war in the desert by chance; no, each one of us is the warrior responsible for the great historical balance.

So, I am not the helpless victim of external events, but perhaps the almighty drop that will decide Life, or its annihilation.

Who among us is aware of his omnipotence?
There, however, begins the responsibility of Man.

Gitta Mallasz

> Following the attacks of November 13 in Paris, a small group began to take over the invisible battlefield every evening at 10 p.m., using the "ammunition" recently offered to a vigil for peace at Forum 104, as well as this one:

I am announcing that there will be Deliverance,
when the ONE LIGHT has broken through
the deepest darkness.
We are all working on it.
With joy and gratitude. Gratitude!
(Dialogues with the angel, Interview 14 with Gitta, p. 76)