Visio-meeting around the book
"Dialogues with the Angel
hosted by
Marguerite Kardos
Thursday June 9, 2022 at 8:00 p.m.
Moved to
Thursday June 16, 2022 at 7:15 p.m.
Live videoconference via “Zoom”
from Forum 104 (Paris)
Organized by ADDA in collaboration with À Ciel Ouvert TV
In the heart of torn Europe, in 1943 and 1944, four young Hungarian artists, in search of truth, live a spiritual adventure of a burning topicality still for us today, in our time of transition.
In these evenings, readings aloud alternate with meditations and discussions on selected themes under the flamboyant gaze of Sumerian, Persian, Egyptian and Christian Angels.
A transformation takes place in the secret of the silent and “contagious” presence of the Angel, this highest level of self, our pole of light. Let silence work, guardian of metamorphoses, and risk “a leap into the unknown”.
Note: following the resumption of the Dialogues with the Angel workshops at Forum 104 in Paris, the videoconference meetings will now be merged with the face-to-face meetings.
Marguerite Kardos is a linguist and orientalist specialising in Sumer and sacred medicines. She is also a traditional Chinese energy therapist and practitioner, and vice-president of the association Open Skies Paris.
Of Hungarian origin and a close friend of Gitta Mallasz, she is President of the association ADDA who deals with the distribution of Talking with Angels.
Useful information
Schedule :
- One Thursday a month
from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.from 7.15 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Next dates: September 2022...
There is no charge for the video-meetings on the book "Dialogues avec l'Ange", hosted by Marguerite Kardos.
To support :
- the association ADDA (Association for the Diffusion of Dialogues with the Angel) in the organisation of its meetings, its translation projects and the distribution of "Dialogues with the Angel", you can make a donation by following this link:
I support the ADDA association for the distribution of Dialogues avec l'Ange and the organisation of video-meetings (HelloAsso) - broadcasting costs for the À Ciel Ouvert TV channel and the association Open Skies – Paris, you can support us via the following donation form:
I support À Ciel Ouvert TV
Registration – Participation:
To register for the event, click on the button below, then enter your full name and email address to receive the link to the videoconference: