Circle at the Forum 104 shared reading "Dialogues with the Angel


During these evenings, reading Talking with Angels aloud alternates with meditations and discussions on these highly relevant teachings.

Book reading circle
"Dialogues with the Angel

Jeudi 22 mai 2025 de 19h à 21h

Passages from the book are read in turn, followed by a sharing of the questions and resonances of the text according to each person's experience. The teaching of the angels opens up new eyes and ears, revealing and bringing to light parts of ourselves that are still unknown.

Meeting open to all - This circle proposed by Josiane, Bernard and Annick is not led by Marguerite Kardos.

Useful information

  • Opening hours: 7pm to 9pm
  • Venue: Forum 104, 104rue de Vaugirard 75006 PARIS ( salle Marronniers)
  • Participation: free

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