Dialogues with the angel and religions


The Dialogues with the Angel are situated above any religious divide, beyond all religions in the institutional sense of this term. However, the Dialogues with the Angel are not opposed to religions. They do not encourage readers to turn away from their possible religious practice. Simply, they rigorously mark the distinction to be made between a spiritual teaching which is addressed directly to the person and the Church-institutions.

The Talking with Angels are above any religious divide, beyond all religions in the institutional sense of the term.

On this fundamental question, the Angel is very clear:

 “Every worship rendered to God,
 each religion are just framework.

What is elusive is the One Reality.
Everything else is just a framework. »
    (Dialogues with the Angel, Interview 76, page 342)

    (Dialogues with the Angel, Interview 24 with Lili, page 144)

No religion can therefore legitimately appropriate this message.

However, the Talking with Angels do not oppose religions. They do not encourage readers to turn away from their possible religious practice. Simply, they rigorously mark the distinction to be made between a spiritual teaching which is addressed directly to the person and the Church-institutions.

Spirituality and religious practice are not opposed, do not exclude each other but must each keep their independence.

If the message of Talking with Angels stands outside any religion, it nevertheless often refers to the great traditions and spiritual teachings that inspire certain religions.

In particular, the direct references to the words, deeds and to the Person himself of Jesus Christ are numerous and frequent.

This is a fact which can be interpreted in different ways but which cannot be ignored.

Of course, it does not imply that the Talking with Angels are part of one of the Christian religions, but a Christian reader will often vibrate by finding words that are familiar to him. [1]

Likewise, the reader whose "soul quivers [2]" with joy before the sublime words of the great Sufi mystics will feel – whatever his religion – a deep resonance, a harmony between these words and the Dialogues with the Angel, especially when the Angel sings of the union of Man with God, the Oneness, the ONE.

Going back even further in the past, the Quest of the great initiates - men and women of Light - who built and sacralized the megalithic sanctuaries to seek to connect the earth and the Sky, to make the link between matter and Light, already in line with one of the most important leitmotifs of Talking with Angels.

The teaching of Talking with Angels has a universal scope.

It invites us to completely overcome the usual confrontation – often conflicting and painful – between prophetism and the institution.

It gives meaning to human existence by awakening us, by calling us forcefully to the awareness of the Task to which we are all called to contribute, each according to our Path, according to our Individuality: to bring the "New World" into being. .

It is also important to state forcefully that Dialogues with the Angel can in no way endorse any sectarian practice. Gitta Mallasz, the only survivor of the four Hungarian friends who received this teaching, and who never ceased to make it known, never stopped repeating until her last days that she had nothing a guru, that she had no disciples and that she was only the scribe of the Dialogs.

[1] It happens that the Angel gives a particular strength and flavor to certain passages of the Gospel message by expressing himself in a modern language, that of the 20th century. To a listener who asked him "what relationship is there between the gospel and the Talking with Angels ? » During one of her conferences, Gitta Mallasz had been told simply « 2000 years! »

[2] Dialogues with the Angel, Interview 86, page 372