Association for the dissemination of

Talking with Angels

Next workshops with Marguerite Kardos:

  • In person: October 10, 2024, 7pm, at Forum 104 (Paris, France)
  • by videoconference, 19 September 2024 - 8pm

Burn! Live! 

Be filled with Light!



Your light is needed. 

Your being glows.

(Dialogue 87) 

Mandala created by the resonance of Gitta's voice

Égjetek! Éljetek!

FÉNNYEL teljetek!

Keljetek fel!


Fényetek kell!

(87. beszélgetés) 


The Association pour la Diffusion des Dialogues avec l'Ange (ADDA, The association for the dissemination of Talking with Angels) brings together all those who are moved by these teachings and who wish to spread them around the world. These teachings are relevant in today's world more than ever. .

ADDA shares, with those who wish to deepen their knowledge of the dialogues, all resources available to date, including events, meetings, articles, testimonials, and videos.

We wish everyone a warm welcome and a great journey.

Talking with Angels,

Talking with Angels is the transcription of spiritual teachings, received during the Second World War, by four Hungarian friends in search of meaning for their lives:

  • A demanding and dense book that raises more questions than it provides answers;
  • A teaching that addresses the place of man and his responsibility in being the link between the invisible, spiritual and visible worlds;
  • A message that challenges us and constantly pushes us to move forward;
  • An invitation to an inner journey and to open up to the NEW, to a world where EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

Already translated into 22 languages, it retains its strong relevance for today's world in transition.


Tribute to Roger Grozelier


Reading in turn of Talking with Angels


"Guardian angels: so far, so near"


The ADDA association

The ADDA association was created in 2005 by friends of Gitta Mallasz with the aim of:

"Facilitating the dissemination of the spiritual teachings of Talking with Angels

in France and other countries. »

The Angels need us!

“HE traces the eternal plan – which passes through us,


(Interview 51)

Upcoming events

ADDA organizes monthly meetings led by Marguerite Kardos to raise awareness and deepen understanding of the spiritual teaching of Talking with Angels and to help participants manifest it in their daily lives.

The reading of excerpts of the book by the participants is followed by questions and reflections that emanate from each person's life experience. The Angels' teachings illuminate new ways of seeing and hearing while revealing parts of ourselves hitherto unknown.

Provisional AGENDA for the workshops at Forum 104

Monthly shared reading workshops at Forum 104 - 104 rue de Vaugirard - 75006 PARIS

from 7.15pm to 10pm. (no registration required - €10 on site) Cypress Room

2024 : 10 October, 12 December

In 2025 : 13 February, 10 April, 12 June

Provisional AGENDA for the video-workshops

Video-workshops for the group reading of "Talking with Angels" by Zoom. Participation is free. To register, please see "Upcoming Events" under the heading "News."

2024 : 20 June, 19 September, 14 November,

In 2025 : 9 January, 13 March, 15 May

Provisional SCHEDULE for the workshops conducted in Hungarian in Budapest

The Reading Circle of Dialogues avec l'Ange in Hungarian:(Az angyal vàlaszol) is held in Budapest one Saturday a month, from 3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.

In 2024: 6 January (zoom), 17 February (face-to-face), 2 March (zoom), 13 April (face-to-face), 18 May (zoom)

Coordinator: BIRO Laszlo: 0036.20357.06.64

In person, at Jozsef BRAUN, 1055 Budapest, Bihari János utca 18, I.em 12

Video-meeting on Talking with Angels with Marguerite Kardos

During these evenings, reading Talking with Angels aloud alternates with meditations and discussions on these highly relevant teachings.

Find out more
In videoconference, Paris, France
+ Google Map

Workshop at Forum 104 on Talking with Angels with Marguerite Kardos

During these evenings, reading Talking with Angels aloud alternates with meditations and discussions on these highly relevant teachings.

Find out more
FORUM 104, 104 rue de Vaugirard
PARIS, 75006
+ Google Map

Video-meeting on Talking with Angels with Marguerite Kardos

During these evenings, reading Talking with Angels aloud alternates with meditations and discussions on these highly relevant teachings.

Find out more
In videoconference, Paris, France
+ Google Map

The quote of the day

There is a wonderful mirror in you:




(E17G -106)

The quote of the day is a short excerpt from Talking with Angels sent daily by e-mail.

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Contact us

For questions or information needs, please contact the ADDA office:

You can use this contact information to:

  • Learn the dates of the next workshops, conferences or other events.
  • Reach a member of the staff or leave a voice message.