“Christianity and Ecology” meeting at the Orthodox monastery of Saint-Michel-du-Var


A l’occasion de la fête de l'Archange Michaël, le monastère orthodoxe de Saint-Michel-du-Var organise une rencontre « Christianisme et Ecologie » les 29 et 30 septembre 2018. Alors que le […]

On the occasion of the feast of Archangel Michael, the Orthodox monastery of Saint-Michel-du-Var organizes a “Christianity and Ecology” meeting on September 29 and 30, 2018. While the monastery is expected to become a sacred ecosite, he proposes a deep work of interior transformation to prepare the ecological conversion.

Juliette Binoche has agreed to take part in this weekend, during which she will read Interview 76 of 29 September 1944 (the feast of Archangel Michael) and host a meeting about the Dialogues with the angel with Marguerite Kardos.

Juliette Binoche recently launched an appeal in The world with astrophysicist Aurélien Barrau and 200 other personalities for “firm and immediate” political action in the face of climate change.

Program and registration

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