What do the angels say about man's place in nature?


As the risks of ecological disaster increase day by day and the COP21 tries to find an agreement to reduce the climate risk, the messages received by … Continue reading "Que disent les anges de la place de l’homme dans la nature ?"

As the risk of ecological disaster increases day by day and COP21 tries to find an agreement to reduce climate risk, the messages received by Hanna Dallas in 1943-44 don't they have something to tell us about a problem that was not yet on the agenda 72 years ago? Doesn't the damage to nature have to do with the erroneous conception that man has made of his place in the universe and with his inability to go beyond his ego, subjects precisely at the center of the teaching given by angels?

Lets not go back - Crédit photo Wayne Stadler

Face à ces questions, des membres d'Adda initiated a reflection that will continue in 2016. Inspired by the angelic pedagogy, they will try to answer personally before pooling the fruits of their review of the Talking with Angels. Here is an overview of the first contributions received:

What is quite new these days is that for the first time in our human history, our inner imbalance is becoming visible on the outside.

How to heal then?

Bringing remedy only from the outside is not enough, because the outburst of external fire due to global warming is only the disruption of everything else (air, earth, water), which themselves have their source elsewhere... These are the consequences and not the cause.

Say that Talking with Angels est un enseignement « spirituel » n'exprime pas suffisamment sa dimension cosmique, matérielle, humaine. Les anges nous mettent en garde : il ne s’agit pas pour l’homme de « s’élancer dans l’esprit » en se défaisant de la matière, comme le proposent certaines voies spirituelles, mais d’être le pont entre matière et esprit, pour les relier et faire naître « la matière nouvelle, la Matière-Lumière ».

The word “matter” is to be understood here in the broad sense. The living, whether plant, animal or human, is part of the world of matter. But in man, matter is spiritualized. Man is at the hinge between the two worlds, both a creature kneaded in matter and a creator kneading matter. It cannot be accomplished by confining oneself to one shore: neither by betting everything on matter, nor by aspiring to a disembodied existence. It is the bridge that connects by relying on the two banks.

You can send your contribution to info (at) ad-dialoguesange.org

See as well : Gitta Mallasz: “I suffer with the Earth” and In 1943, angels were already talking about ecology

Photo credit : Wayne Stadler