What we know about Lili and Joseph


On sait assez peu de choses sur Lili, et encore moins sur Joseph qui ne participa qu'épisodiquement aux entretiens et fût happé par la Shoah six mois avant Hanna et […]

Les 4 Messagers

We know very little about Lili, and even less about Joseph, who only occasionally took part in the interviews and was caught up in the Holocaust six months before Hanna and Lili.

However, we know enough to understand the state of mind in which they approached the Her testimony and how much they were scoured and renewed by the astonishing messages of generosity and acuity from their angels: "the one who helps" for Lili and "the one who builds" for Joseph.
After Gitta and Hanna, Françoise Maupin paints sensitive portraits of them that complete the sketch of the Man that the four from Budaliget were called upon to embody:

Man is the builder, the helper,
which is radiant force,
who acts with measure.
(Dialogues with the angel, E39, p. 241)

These portraits were published on www.dialogues-ange.fr :