Az Angyal vàlaszol (Dialogues with the Angel) on Hungarian television


Az Angyal vàlaszol En tant qu’éditrice hongroise des Dialogues avec l'ange, j'ai été invitée le 6 juillet 2011 à Duna TV (équivalent hongrois d'ARTE) par Agnès SZABO, la directrice de […]

Marguerite Kardos parle des Dialogues avec l'ange à Duna TV (6 juillet 2011) Marguerite Kardos parle des Dialogues avec l'ange à Duna TV le 6 juillet 2011

Az Angyal valaszol

As the Hungarian publisher of Dialogues with the angel, On 6 July 2011, I was invited to appear on Duna TV (the Hungarian equivalent of ARTE) by Agnès SZABO, the director of the section. Jozsef ASBOTH, the presenter of the programme, and a journalist interviewed me live in Kivansagkosar. It was intense, joyful and if I dare say exhilarating, so much so that at the end Mr Asboth asked me if he could hug me, saying that it was his best show of the year.
As soon as we arrived at Duna TV I handed out "angel wings" - quotes from the Dialogues - which were an astonishing success before, during and after the show. It was touching to see people pouring in from every floor and queuing up, immersing themselves in their quotes and coming together, questioning each other, and calling me to understand more deeply the message of the Angels. We handed out a big pack of Az Angyal valaszol and we went back the next day to bring more books and quotes.
In the evening, the great director called me privately to thank me for the success of this program. She was extremely enthusiastic, confiding to me that "through the 5 floors of the building, only you and your book are spoken of".
Let's hope she invites us back [1]!

Marguerite Kardos

[1] Marguerite was invited back by Duna TV in November 2011.