The task of man: to make the link between matter and Light


Le 6 août, les églises orthodoxes et romaines fêtent depuis des siècles la Transfiguration du Christ. Les Évangiles relatent que, monté sur la montagne avec trois disciples, Jésus leur apparaît […]

On August 6, the Orthodox and Roman churches have celebrated the Transfiguration of Christ for centuries. The Gospels relate that, mounted on the mountain with three disciples, Jesus appears to them transfigured, conversing with Moses and Elijah, two great prophets of Judaism.

Icône de la Transfiguration (Cliquer sur l'image pour l'agrandir. Source : Wikipédia)
Icon of the Transfiguration (Click on the image to enlarge it. Source : Wikipedia)

"Jesus took Peter, John and James with him and went up the mountain to pray. While he was praying, the appearance of his face changed and his clothing became dazzling white. And behold, two men were talking with him; they were Moses and Elijah; they appeared in glory and spoke of his imminent departure to Jerusalem. Peter and his companions were heavy with sleep, but as they lay awake they saw the glory of Jesus and the two men who were with him. As the men separated from Jesus, Peter said to him, "Master, it is good that we are here. Let's make three tents: one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah. He didn't know what he was saying. As he spoke thus, a cloud appeared which covered them. Fear gripped them as they entered. » Luke 9. 28-34

The interview of October 13, 1944 of the Talking with Angels evokes this episode and explains how the disciple did not know what he was saying:

House on the rock.
Jesus is the rock.
His foot walks on the rock, climbs the mountain.
Up there, the sky opens up,
and matter is transfigured into Glory.
The ignorant disciple stammers,
he has never seen
Light and matter united: miracle.
"Let's pitch the tent up here,
in the light on the mountain. »
The disciple didn't know what he was saying.
The new house has not yet been built;
the new home comes down,
if she finds the real rock.
The true rock that Heaven welcomes,
is theIndividuality pure and intact.
Rock, too, is only earth,
but which rises to the top,
marvelous force, gathered.
Summit above the fog,
homeland of eternal joy, of serenity.

“Be on the mountain, always on the top!
May all your actions be fulfilled up there, at the summit,
above sin, mist, the devil.
Always up on the mountain! »
(Talking with Angels, Interview 79, p. 352)

The disciple wanted to settle on high and lose contact with the earth. The angel had indicated in a previous conversation that we were on the wrong track if we tried to soar towards the spirit, that we simply had to live and fulfil ourselves as a link between matter and spirit, between the created world and the creative world. He now points out that Heaven needs a rock to come down from, and insists that man needs to be at the top of the rock.

The goal is neither the bottom nor the top.
HE doesn't live upstairs - HE doesn't live downstairs.
HE dwells in the accomplished.
The goal is: to make the connection.
Without a link, nothing lives.
The elected representative is neither up nor down.
The elected representative lives and that is the link.

The spirit kneads matter.
Matter calls to mind.
The song of the chosen one is the link
between matter and spirit – spirit and matter.
(Talking with Angels, p. 309)

The calendar brings together two highly symbolic events that have marked human history: the Transfiguration of Jesus and the explosion of the first atomic bomb in Hiroshima. Yet there is nothing in common between the disintegration of matter in a deadly flash of light, and its transfiguration by Light. Nor is there anything in common between the fear of those whose eyes are opened to eternity and the dread of humanity discovering itself mortal. But despite everything that opposes them, these two “August 6ths” each illustrate in their own field the impasses in which man errs in wanting to confine himself to matter or to the spirit. To advance and bring about Man, whom the angel says he does not yet see, man's task is to make the link between matter and spirit, matter and Light, within himself. itself and not outside by the manipulation of atoms.

The Light can manifest in each of us as in testifies Motolitov, disciple of Seraphim of Sarova Russian Orthodox saint who died in 1833, whose body and face appeared transfigured to him: "Imagine the face of a man speaking to you in the midday sun. (...) You see neither his hands, nor his body, nor yours, but only this brilliant light that spreads out several metres all around, illuminating the snow-covered surface of the meadow".