Tribute to Roger Grozelier


Tribute to Roger Grozelier, founding member of ADDA

Roger Grozelier, inspiration and founder of ADDA

Roger visited Gitta several times at Sauveterre la Lémance in the Dordogne, and there was a warm and happy complicity between them over a few glasses of Nuit St Georges.

Roger was sent to us by the Angels! 

It was in 2003 that Roger contacted me during a conference at the Sorbonne, and from our first meeting we recognised each other as brother and sister in the service of angels, in a deep and warm friendship.

Enthusiastic and sunny, generous and chivalrous, with an exquisite poetic sensibility, Roger was also a dolmen, firmly rooted in both the invisible world and the mineral world, in a secret kinship with caves, menhirs and Africa, where he regularly visited...

Roger said that in the world order, he was related to the mineral, to stone ...

... and he was happy to visit the dolmens and burial mounds of Morbihan. You might have thought he was made of granite, but he wasn't as hard or as austere as all that.

He loved life, never shied away from champagne and recalled with emotion the Nuits Saint Georges he had shared with Gitta Mallasz. He was funny and laughed heartily.

In short, he was a good companion....

My big scorpion brother has gone to be with the angels.

My memories of him go back to 2003, to Marguerite's first workshop on Dialogues with the Angel.

He had heard me "singing in the forest" where the course was taking place, and he liked to remind me of it.... And then the memories wound themselves around the thread of life, from pretty pearls to pretty pearls.

He was one of the first to join the Verbatim team...