
the 4 messengers

Presentation of the 4 Messengers

Hanna Dallas

Named by the angel from the first interview “She who speaks”, she is the one through whom the teaching of the angels is given. She is, according to Gitta, “the soul of their little group”.

She will never ask questions for her, and her friends will not be able to do it for her. However, from interview 31, Hanna's angel, “He who measures” as he calls himself, speaks and transmits “the taste of the New Word.”

Gitta Mallasz

She is the one to whom the angel speaks first, through Hanna, with very severe words, and this triple promise: “You will be plowed by a relentless search. […] You will be baptized with the Water of Life. You will receive a new name”.

Ancienne championne de natation, idolâtrée dans son pays, Gitta est « païenne ». Et pourtant, dès le premier instant, intensément lumineux et implacable, elle reconnaît son ange. Il lui demande d’être indépendante et bien souvent de « donner de la force ».

Her sign is the sun, and she does not know it yet on June 25, 1943: she is “She who shines”. It is through her that the Dialogues with the Angel took shape after 33 years of gestation.

His comments, within the interviews, enlighten the reader on the context in which the words were delivered.

Lili Strausz

Lili is a very close friend of Gitta and Hanna, living in Budapest. Immediately convinced, she will come the week following the first interview to attend these meetings, as often as circumstances allow.

Son ange s’adresse à elle dès l’entretien 3. À sa première question « Quand vais-je m’ouvrir vers le haut », il lui répond que son signe est un triangle dont la pointe est dirigée vers le bas et qu’elle n’a pas de raison d’avoir peur. Il lui révèle qu’elle est « Celle qui aide ».

In the 'personal' interviews at the beginning of the book, it is Gitta and Lili's angels who speak for the most part, in response to their questions.

Jozsef Kreutzer

Jozsef is Hanna's husband. It takes three months before he too attends these interviews, which he considers at first to be stories of good wives.

He is sometimes referred to as the “son”, but also “Messenger from Heaven” and, through his angel, “He who builds”.

Only 4 very short interviews with Jozsef have come down to us.

Jozsef, the husband of “She who speaks”, whose angel greets him “In the name of the Silence which builds” (interview 36)

Extracts from Dialogues with the Angel about the 4 Messengers

To deepen this presentation of the 4 messengers, here are extracts from the word of the angel addressing Gitta, Lili & Jozsef about their individual task and how they combine in a Task One: the advent of MAN , through the Four.

The accomplishment of MAN is realized by the unification in him of the seven Souls, the seven degrees of creation.

Each of us has a specific task that binds us to our Angel to a particular degree.

« la tâche de Lili est l’Amour (II), la mienne (Gitta) est la Force rayonnante (VI), […]

that of Joseph is Silence (V), that of Hanna is Co-birth, Consciousness (IV) » (E55)

« C’est seulement en vivant pleinement notre tâche individuelle qu’il nous sera possible de vivre le Quatre,

the universal human task.

It is precisely the forces of which you have just spoken that enable you to reach the Four, where the seven souls are united. (E44)

« Ce n’est qu’à travers moi, être humain, le Quatre, au milieu, que mon Ange peut agir sur terre. » (E38L)

Voilà quelques extraits pour approfondir la tâche de chacun des messagers et leur unité...

Interview 19 – Gitta (p. 110) the seven degrees: MAN is the seven together

G. What are the seven centers of man? What is the function of each?

- Seven steps. You know three of them.

The fourth, you think you know it.





Stone – Grass – Horse.

What comes after is not the man,

For MAN is the seven together.

For you it is still very difficult to grasp.

In a very low voice:

I am the fifth.

Interviews 33 (p. 200-204) The bond between the 4 friends and their angel

“He who shines” shows the links between the four friends and their Angel. According to the moments the Angel of one can guide the other because his task of the moment requires it, thus there are not four peers but sixteen peers in a unit.

- Listen up!

We are four, you are four,

and that does not make eight.”


“There is only one Master. Only one! We are only passing on HIS teaching.”


“- As soon as you leave your “little me”,

the four become sixteen. - And one.

Interview 38 – Lili (p. 234) In the seven the Four connects the Three terrestrial and the Three celestial

L. Teach me the task for Heaven and for earth.

- The earth is complete -

but the sky does not yet burn in you,

and you don't have two places, but only one: in the middle.

The degrees of life on earth

and of the heavenly life are seven.

Three are accomplished. –

The other three are beyond the limits.

But the Fourth will find them.

The “SEVEN” will be: ONE. And there will be no more sin.

the Fifth You speak.

L. I don't quite understand.

- You can't even half understand.

In the Seven, the Four connects

them Three land and the Three heavenly.

I am the Fifth.

And I lean on the earth through you.

Faith leads to Four.

But the Four no longer needs faith.

the Four already acting.

This interview with Lili seems to me like an abstract and incomprehensible numbers game. I ask Hanna to explain it to me, and more specifically the meaning of Five. She then draws the diagram she had already drawn during a previous interview, but this time adding the missing elements.

Chandelier à 7 branches

Thus, suddenly, the diagram, now very clear, becomes the very key of all the teaching received, to which it gives a structure. I finally understand the place of the human being in Creation. I discover a new balance, in which to escape from the spirit by despising the matter is as wrong as to cling to the matter by denying the spirit. I realize how important, even essential, it is to fully live the life of the body as well as the life of the spirit. In the end, I also discover my own dignity, the dignity of the individual destined to be the link, the intermediary between spirit and matter. Never have I felt so intensely that Creation cannot be accomplished without the participation of man. It is only through me, human being, the Four, in the middle, that my Angel can act on earth. Thanks to this discovery, my life changed profoundly. I have the opportunity, and the task, to unite matter and spirit in my body as well as in my soul.

Interview 39 – Gitta (p. 236) the Four is your only place

What Power is, I reveal: Listen!

The FIVE is the Angel – the SIX, the Seraph.

What I am for you, he is for me:

My intermediary and my Master.

I am one with HIM.

Thus are accomplished the three degrees of the Creative World.

I feel a radiance coming from HIM, transmitted by the Seraph then by my Angel.

But where is the FOUR?

HE does not tolerate emptiness, because HIS Name is: Plenitude.

The FOUR, your only place!

There the distant and the near cease…

Interview 44 (p. 254) Only by fully living our individual task will it be possible for us to live the Four, the universal human task.

The Seven Souls are your home.

On the first rest your feet.

The Six envelop you to the head,

And above the Seventh.

The Seven Souls are all active:

The Truth – is.

Love – grows.

Rhythm, Harmony – are movement.

Consciousness, Co-birth – creates.

Peace – rest.

Bliss – transcends everything.

The ultimate Cause is great mystery,

inexpressible Drunkenness and Rapture.







This fills the void. You are begotten now,

and you will become children, pledges of love,

of Father and Mother, of Heaven and earth,

within the Four, whose name is still sealed.

If the union takes place in you, everything is accomplished.

Raise your heads, may the Seventh be with you!

May He touch you!

Cet enseignement suscite tant de questions en nous que nous restons éveillés une partie de la nuit. Immédiatement après l’entretien, j’avais pressé Hanna de nous dire – même si ce n’était pas absolument clair – ce qu’elle avait ressenti. Elle nous dit à peu près : « J’ai perçu l’essence individuelle de chacune des sept âmes de la vie. Le premier degré de l’être est le MINERAL, la pierre, le cristal. L’âme qui l’anime est la Vérité, le Nombre et la Loi.

The second degree is the PLANT. His soul is Love and Growth. The third degree is the Animal, whose soul is Harmony, Rhythm and Movement.

The three degrees will be contained in the fourth, the HUMAN. But we, the so-called humans, are not yet the HUMAN, the Four. Our task is to begin to live this fourth degree, and to become a conscious link between the created world and the creative world. The fifth degree is that of the ANGELS, where Peace and Silence reign.

Dans le sixième degré habite le SERAPHIN, Joie et Force brûlante. Le septième degré est le mystère, le plus haut niveau de la vie. » Je dis à Hanna : « Maintenant, c’est clair, mais il y a quelque chose que je ne comprends toujours pas. On nous a dit que Joseph est le Cinq – Paix et Silence ; Lili le Deux – Amour croissant ; et moi le Six – Force rayonnante ; et qu’à nous tous nous devions réaliser le Quatre. Comment est-ce possible ? »

Hanna rit et explique : « C’est seulement en vivant pleinement notre tâche individuelle qu’il nous sera possible de vivre le Quatre, la tâche universelle de l’humain. Ce sont précisément les forces dont tu viens de parler qui te rendent capable de parvenir au Quatre, où les sept âmes sont unies.

Thus, it is precisely by fully living the Two, growing Love, that Lili will be able to achieve the Four, the Bridge, the Link, and thus become, in everyday life, a factor of Deliverance.

Accomplir chacun notre destin individuel est la seule porte qui ouvre sur le Quatre, la seule porte, d’ailleurs, dont nous ayons la clef. T’es-tu demandé pourquoi ton Ange – dès le début -t’a répété : « Suis ton propre chemin ! Sois indépendante ! IL t’a formée à mon image ! Tes yeux sont faits pour rayonner ! »

C’était pour que tu prennes enfin conscience de ton individualité propre, pour que tu vives le Six, Force rayonnante, dans ta vie de tous les jours. Ainsi, seulement ainsi, tu peux devenir le Pont, le Lien entre la créature et le Créateur, le Quatre : l’HOMME ! »

Interview 51 (p. 270) Each degree of life is a soul, but the seven together: MAN.

The force that operates in you makes one with the All:

The Seven souls divine and your soul.

"The one who helps" - is the Two.

"She who speaks" - is the Four.

"He who builds" - is the Five.

"She who shines" - is Six.

And I wait for the One, the Three and the Seven to come.

They are still late but they will come,

And what must be accomplished – will be.

I wonder when these new companions will come to enlarge our circle



The Seven souls are seven members.

The Seven souls all operate,

But ONE is the Eternal.

Addressing me:

Do you accept the Six? The Six is Bliss – know it!

G. Yes, I accept the Six.

To Joseph:

- Peace and Silence are the Five.

They come down through you to earth,

if you don't neglect it.

Seize the hand of the Four,

and Peace and Bliss will find their place,

for their support is the middle - the Four -,

the human element: consciousness, Co-birth.

To Lily:

And blossoms the Love, the Two.

What a miracle !

The Seven never go ahead of each other,

but in a circle,

and there is only one vertex: the tip of the cone.

Thus, the seven lines form the cone.

No one is ahead of the other,

and the circle does not break anywhere.

Interview 55 (p. 282) Each of our tasks is linked to the others: “Silence is the dwelling place”, it is Joseph (V); “of the Word” is Hanna; "radiant" is Gitta; "in which Love burns" is Lili.

The Gardener speaks to you!

The Gardener – in his hand the knife,

the cutting knife, the grafting knife.

The gash hurts now,

but I introduce the New Registry:

It is already possible.



HIS Kingdom is home;

There, between Silence and Word,

weddings are forever

and the New Language is born,

which is conceived in Silence.


“He who shines” speaks:

I speak to you of the radiant Love.

There is love, there is strength,

Let them work together!

Let the Ray and Love join hands!

Only together they are active,

and the radiant Silence will be, here below.

Ces mots font apparaître ma profonde amitié avec Lili sous un jour nouveau : la tâche de Lili est l’Amour (II), la mienne est la Force rayonnante (VI). Le schéma des différents niveaux d’existence montre qu’elles sont complémentaires.

Let the Co-birth, the Consciousness be the link,

and there will be no more flaws.

Nos tâches deviennent plus claires encore : la mienne est de rayonner, celle de Joseph est le Silence, celle de Hanna est la Co-naissance, la Conscience.

“He who helps” speaks:

The word of consolation and love

hovers above you.

Without Love, nothing can be accomplished:

Neither Co-birth, nor Peace, nor Bliss.

Knowledge enlightens, Silence fills,

The Ray brings warmth, but only Love connects.


Now our masters are talking together.

Silence is the abode of the radiant Word

in which Love burns.

With these words, each of our tasks is linked to the others: “Silence is the abode”, it is Joseph (V); “of the Word” is Hanna; "radiant" is Gitta; "in which Love burns" is Lili.

Thus, the four voices become vocals.

New song, new vibration, new rhythm,

who creates here below new ears,

new hearts,

new hands, eyes that see.

To know more

Dialogues with the Angel {documents}

This site proposes to present to the public unpublished or little known documents on the Talking with Angels and elucidate its origin. It also brings together testimonies from those to whom it was given to receive this teaching or from people who knew them. Finally, a dedicated chapter presents the Judeo-Christian references of the book, to facilitate their understanding.


These two wikipedia pages are a mine of information on the editions of Talking with Angels, on the books, films, plays relating to the Dialogues, as well as on the radio or television programs in which Gitta Mallasz has been invited.