September 29, 2015, Saint Michel: Adda is 10 years old


Adda, l'association pour la diffusion des Dialogues avec l'ange, est née le 29 septembre 2005 sous les auspices de l’Archange Michaël. Le 29 septembre est en effet le jour de […]

Adda, the association for the dissemination of Dialogues with the angel, was born on September 29, 2005 under the auspices of Archangel Michael. September 29 is indeed Saint Michael's Day, much revered in Hungary.

On 29 September 1944, the choir of angels invited the three women gathered in the cabin of Gitta, the commander of the Katalin. Joseph has been deported and the threat is growing daily around the real fake military uniform factory set up to rescue Jewish women and children. Today's teaching presents Michael as the leader of the heavenly armies, as in the biblical tradition, and shows how he can change our lives :

Every act is one with you,
if you call the Chief of the celestial armies: MICHAEL.
He comes and slices,
if your action is not born of purity and harmony,
of love and truth.
He decides, not your deed,
but he who does, for they are one.
And it is MICHAEL who judges and it is he who helps.
Call him! He comes infallibly.
He is the LORD of hosts.
And you can never see HIM,
for HE is ONE with you.
(Dialogues with the angel, Interview 76, p. 342)

Michael means "Who is like God" in Hebrew. According to tradition, while fighting Satan, the rebel angel, he said: "Who is like God?
He is usually depicted holding the scales of the Last Judgement or striking down the Devil with a sword.

Saint Michel pesant les âmes, polyptyque du Jugement dernier de Rogier van der Weyden (1443-1446), Hospices de Beaune. (Source : Wikipedia)
Saint Michael weighing souls, polyptych of the Last Judgment by Rogier van der Weyden (1443-1446), Hospices de Beaune.
(Source : Wikipedia)

Saint Michel terrassant le dragon de Francisque Duret (1804-1865), Fontaine Saint-Michel, Paris. (Source : Wikipedia)
Saint Michael slaying the dragon by Francisque Duret (1804-1865), Fontaine Saint-Michel, Paris. (Source : Wikipedia)

Formed as an association, Adda has been contributing for ten years to the dissemination of Dialogues with the angel according to two guidelines:

  • Provide moral, material and financial support for the actions undertaken to translate, publish and promote the Dialogues with the Angel and the four books by Gitta Mallasz in languages other than those already published.
  • Organising meetings, seminars, workshops and conferences, and creating tools to make the teaching better known and more in-depth, and to help participants live it out on a daily basis.

Among Adda's achievements, the reissue of Dialogues with the angel in Hungarianthe organisation of shared readings at forum 104 in Paris, the creation of this site...